All apologies..of brash opions 😊 Sometimes I get away with myself of moments for reasons. As I sided with those in moments 😊..u are a really talanted individual..sadly a part u have experiance in life was words can't express. Truely wish u much success 😊😊
@ElizabethRadcliff19 сағат бұрын
Hes got such an intense positive energy
@flyspith768620 сағат бұрын
Those kids make that vid..LOVE the attitude they sing with..
@mikuiko37920 сағат бұрын
why do old songs actually hit hard now days??
@emmabonamico820322 сағат бұрын
please change thumbnail. i'm scared
@MeowLucs22 сағат бұрын
This song hits so hard ngl
@Kxc-goatedКүн бұрын
His dad must be here in the morning, like what the ****
❤ We were not late getting here baby We saved them Jeff Are turn starts when I meet you up there Patients We did good We always do It doesn't matter He don't save me and you We save them Excellent. Me and U 💞💞❤️💞💞❤️💞💞❤️💞 Love is felt not Seen or physically present She taught that
@chriscockerton4018Күн бұрын
So awesome 🙌
@LoganFrahm-pw5zjКүн бұрын
My daddy put a gun to my head, HITS!
@patrikoberg8390Күн бұрын
Prncess Estelle of Sweden
@N1ghtGreenКүн бұрын
@exotixclan3896Күн бұрын
I'm from 2025
@MMCfriendsКүн бұрын
The Edit!!❤
@davidmadaric6071Күн бұрын
You emo
@DoingYourMotherHardКүн бұрын
I'm not broken.
@marcelzuidwijkКүн бұрын
The groove and beat is so catchy, together with those kids at the back... love it!
@catlynhall313Күн бұрын
I luv you Dom ❤❤❤
@AmishMarineКүн бұрын
I wonder if those kids will receive royalties to the song?
@connorkauffman7802Күн бұрын
@AquaRubyMomКүн бұрын
here in 2025 and this song is still a banger
@PrashantBisht-jj8nnКүн бұрын
seeing my man doing an anime op is just 🤌
@ZeiyaRRWКүн бұрын
Yungblud always a fucking legend
@AWExtras-xw9lfКүн бұрын
Played this song on the beatdrop when it turned to 2025 on new years, felt so accomplished loll
@Yungblud666Күн бұрын
Who's here in 2025 march
@belter-bootlegs2082Күн бұрын
Yeah it's how life is we all go through the pain and struggles of day 2 day life. But head up smile & 👋 it will make you stranger as a person. And when your so low & at the button, remember the only way is up. 🫶🫶🫶
@Chris-vt6nlКүн бұрын
Such an amazing song it's going to breakdown some billboard records
@gavin3895Күн бұрын
why are there so many simpletons emotional dumping in the comments lol, for real the internet has fucked this generation.
@MrPrimanaturaКүн бұрын
Flores island March 2025
@retnoariyani9801Күн бұрын
Hey, could you create more song like this one?❤
@moviesortizКүн бұрын
@skyestewart-x3xКүн бұрын
Ok no hate but what if billie and young blud got together,!!!??
@Chris-i3wКүн бұрын
Wtf is this song
@FetwiiyerFTReddКүн бұрын
YUNG..Por si lees esto..te admiro mucho🙏 y te respeto sos un ejemplo para mi yo también soy artista y hago música Nada es imposible me esforzare tanto para conocerte y colaborar contigo💎
@SarahRyan-m8iКүн бұрын
Never more relatable on so many levels…
@irenesanchez490Күн бұрын
@jeicejay8959Күн бұрын
Man, i love yungblud hot take, but im not listening to this cause of the anime cause I'm listening to it cause of the artist cause i knew the artist before this dookie anime btw this is the hot take is kaiju no.8 is midddd....get angry plz i enjoy what yall come up with